Wednesday, January 16, 2013

We took a public transportation :)

We prefer to use public transportation. Its not always necessary the poor uses public transportation and the rich is not. If people always use their own ride, such as ; motorcycle and car. If only more and more of jakarta's citizen have their mind set like this, I don't think there will be too much traffic. And if only the government can make public transportation worth to ride, more comfy and cozy. Specially the safety of people who use public transportation. I believe Jakarta's traffic will be better. So what do you think? Give me a comment and don't be shy :)


  1. not only government, but also we must participate to keep maintenance our public transportation, such as no smoking, no throw your rubbish in your seat, etc

  2. agree! we people as Jakarta citizens must maintenance public facility. hhee

  3. intinya mah bang kita sama2 menjaga aja hehe ya biar kita sama2 feel safe and comfortable :=)maklumin gua yah bang klo opini nya salah atau sotoy haha

  4. and Jakarta will be a city without pollution if the thought of all the jakarta's poeple think like this !!!

  5. that's right bang i'm very agree with u. :) coba aja semua yg di jakarta naik kendaraan umum, pasti ga level banget sama yang namanya macet :)
