Monday, February 18, 2013

The essential of breakfast

Breakfast is really important for your body. It is imporant to start your day by making your own breakfast. First you can control what you want to eat and also cooking your own breakfast is a good activity to start your day.

I remember once there's a saying "you are what you eat from your hair to your feet."

Not only you should eat healthy food and drink something healthy like cranberry juice, orange juice or mineral water, because it's good for your health and your mind. That saying also mean you are what you learn, what you hear and what you see. So listen and see something good. Not just for your heart but by doing that it is also good for your own peace of mind. :)


  1. RIGHT bang !!
    menurutku breakfast itu hal terpenting ke 4 setelah solat subuh-mandi-dan belajar!! :))

  2. basically we had breakfast pobud when starting activity? bener kan bang ? :)
